Sunday, May 01, 2005

Snot Rockets and Their Apparent Edibility!!!

Oh how my heart fills with pride and satisfaction knowing that Chris and I have brought two healthy wonderful children into this world. They never cease to amaze me at what they are capable of - even as little as they are. Take for instance this morning - while gazing admiringly at my darling daughter in her high chair - she gives me one of those famous grins and a huge sneeze! I don't have a weak stomach so the huge amount of snot that shot straight out her nose, all over her shirt and upper lip didn't bother me. It was when I got up to get a kleenex that I heard this loud slurping sound coming from the kid - I turn back with a kleenex to find a clean upper lip and a very satisfied 1 year old! So trying not to laugh my head off at the little turkey I blotted what was left under her nose where her tongue couldn't reach and cleaned what was on her shirt before she had a chance to play in it.

As for Zach I am absolutely amazed at what can come out of such a tiny little body! I took him to the doc on Friday (more about Friday in a minute) I wanted to get a cold he has had for the last month checked and I wanted to ask the doc if the way he is pooping is normal. He grunts extremely loud pukes all over me and drops a massive liquid shit in his diaper - rest assured the doc says this is normal and he is a little performer! I think what I am mostly amazed at is the smell of his farts - if I was desperate enough to claim a stinky I would definately claim his! The whole time we were down south if he farted whoever was holding him would swear he had just crapped himself but upon further inspection of the diaper they would soon discover the kid just out and out stinks!

Aside from taking Zach to the doc on Friday I also took the car in to get the winter tires taken off and have the summers put back on. It was a beautiful day so I decided to take the stroller and walk from Kal Tire to the doctors office and back. So when I am finished at the doc's she wants me to take Zach over to the hospital for a chest X-ray just to make sure everything is ok. I had 15 minutes to get there and it was one hell of a walk! I ran part of the way all the while thinking to myself - hang in there girls I promise you won't get bounced like this much more - I quit running - it hurt. So anyway I got finished at the hospital and hoofed my sorry ass back to Kal - the hospital and Kal are on completely oppisite ends of the city!!!
I picked up the car and finished my shopping at Wal Mart and headed over to Superstore. I ran into Jeff - a friend of ours from Carcross and started chatting with him after he had said good bye to the couple he was talking to. I asked him if he knew any teachers and such from carcross and he said that the people he was just talking to were teachers so I started to tell him about this blog and how a lady from Carcross had left a comment on one of my posts - yadda yadda yadda. Anyway it bothered him that he didn't know who I was talking about and I didn't know any names so he left his basket and forgot about his shopping altogether just to find this guy he was talking to. Turns out I end up in line behind him at the check out and decide to ask him myself - amazingly he is the husband of the lady that had left the comment! What a small world - I am thanking my lucky stars that it was the right person otherwise there would have been this completely unsuspecting person standing in the middle of superstore looking at me like I belong at the farm! Anyway out to the car and loading my groceries in I got to meet the lady and her kids - I already met her husband! Who knows maybe this will turn into a unsuspecting friendship! Wouldn't that be cool!


At 3:15 p.m. , Blogger Mrs. Falkenberg said...

Okay, I DO have a weak stomach, so I gagged a bit reading this...but then I got to the part about ME!!!! Did you see my post? I talked about being famous!!

At 4:22 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD NICKY JO!!! Did you know how funny that one was!! Youre a great writer KEEP IT UP! Im so jealous that you can manage all you do and still have time to write in here !!! Youre a machine!
Lisa from Fernie!!!!


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