Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Its Official!

NO I am not pregnant and NO I have not fallen completely off the shelf... yet! Its official that I am now a partylite consultant! YAY more good smelling candles in my house! Not that it really matters if I sell anything to anybody I just want the discount on the candles - lord knows I buy enough of them to make it worth my while! Yesterday the kids and I made our way into town to meet with Jackie for lunch and for me to go see the doctor. After my appointment I picked the kids up from Jackie's and headed to Superstore and then to Wally World. I swear I just about lost it on the cashier at superstore. They honestly should have a checkout specifically designed for moms and babies - not that I want special treatment or anything. I just want a line that moves a little slower so that if I have to tend to one of my children the F***ING cashier isn't shoving your groceries one on top of the other while your trying to bag them!!! I stopped had a breather and continued bagging my stuff. Oh and shot her a nasty "IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I AM GOING POSTAL ON YOUR ASS" look. I hate superstore! And off we go to WalMart. As you all know we have been working with Dani on her potty training. Well yesterday I went into the bathroom and she says "pee pee" so I think she is talking to me so I'm like "yep mommy's peeing" but she keeps on saying it so I figure what the hell might as well try her. Get her diaper off and get her up on the pot and there she goes having her very first pee in the Wal Mart potty! She has peed a few times here at the house but never in public. Thankfully no one else was in the bathroom to see the pee pee dance that followed! Saturday is the Fall Fair I figure I am going to be working my ass off to get everything done by Friday night. Chris is heading into Whitehorse for the funeral of a co-worker so I guess I won't have his helping hand like I had counted on - damn! Anyway I will let you all know how Saturday turns out. Wish me luck! I will post some pictures of the finished product when I am done!


At 12:39 p.m. , Blogger peebugg said...

You've been spammed!!!!! I hate that.

I think if there is the mommy/lil' tyke situation, there should be some one there to help or at least some one to slap the witch of a cashier. Mine always run off. I am in the middle of watching the prices and putting the bags in the basket and suddenly, they disappear. I now carry two dog leashes in my purse for when we get to the check out...I hitch their pants....people look but they have no idea......

I'm glad and sad you're not pregnant..!!! Not that you care, but I am having baby blues. So I will be blog supportive in both ways!!!!

At 11:32 a.m. , Blogger Jaime said...

I can't stand that either, when the cashier is going full speed and my kids are going nuts. "Open your eyes! Give me a minute! You aren't paid by the number of bags you send out the door!" (I hope).

Good luck at the fair!

At 2:03 p.m. , Blogger Mrs. Falkenberg said...

Ahhh. You've met my favourite cashier, then? Last week, I bought the milk, paper towel, and frozen burgers of the customer behind me. Apparently, cashier chickie just "didn't notice" the separating bar.


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