Friday, January 27, 2006

Where Does The Time Go!!!!

One year ago today I was laying in a hospital bed holding my brand new baby boy. Today my baby boy only cuddles when he is tired, is walking more and more everyday, and is a boy through and through! He has no fear whatsoever! I caught him on his sisters bed at 9 months JUMPING!!! Now he is walking all over the house. He took his first steps on December 29th. Our trip to Costa Rica was incredible! My sister was looked absolutely stunning on her wedding day. We went on a jungle tour the day after her wedding. We went down eleven zip lines through the jungle canopy, then down a half kilometer long waterslide, then went on horseback to the hot springs where we had a volcanic mud bath and then a dip in the hotsprings. Not like we really needed to have a hot bath it was already 35 degrees out! It never got below 25 degrees celcius the whole time we were there - it was usually in the 30's during the day and around 25 at night. Kelli-Jo, OJ, Chris and I rented a car and went out into the some of the towns. It was neat to go out into the villages and off the resort. We brought home some pretty neat things that you would never find in Canada. One thing we noticed was that there was a lot of places that had no windows or doors or air conditioning!!! Thankfully our hotel room had A/C - I would have died without it! On one of the nights there was a SCORPIAN on our bed!!! I damn near shit myself! I have never screamed over a bug - but sometimes certain things require a scream and I just felt that was a good time! There was tonnes of iguanas, butterflies, frogs and other strange looking creatures running around the resort. Kelli-Jo and OJ saw two tarantulas outside their hotel room. It's nice to back at home and getting back into the swing of things. I have been working lots this week with the literacy stuff and subbing. I have also started doing the grade 7,8,9 girls art classes on monday afternoons. So if anyone out there reading this has any suggestions for a girls art project let me know ok! Any way I better sign off - its time for supper and the kids are starting to let me know about it.


At 11:39 a.m. , Blogger peebugg said...

Welcome Home!!!!

I would of done more than sceam if a scorpion was in my bed.....creepy....

I'm glad you guys had fun and the weather sounded great!!!

And Happy Birthday to the baby boy!!

At 2:37 p.m. , Blogger Karyn said...

That sounds like a fantastic vacation (scorpion excepted)!! Glad to hear that you had such a great time.

My friend is teaching grade 9 art right now, and she put on different types of music and had them paint to the different speeds, to see what they came up with.


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