Saturday, April 22, 2006

My Daughter is a Machine!

On Wednesday morning I had the bright idea that the kids and I would walk down to the mother goose nursery rhyme program. It usually starts at 10:30 am - I am barely moving by 10! So this bright idea came to be at 9:45. I showered rushed the kids into their outside clothes and like usual each of them had a shit in their diapers right before we walked out the door! Anyway I practically ran the whole way to the college - its about 3 km. Got there about 10 minutes late (like usual) and wouldn't you believe the damn thing was cancelled! Dani wanted out of the buggy to walk so I strapped on her leash - YES she wears a leash - and off we went. We walked from the college to the post office, backtracked to my husbands office, walked to the restaurant for lunch and then home. All said and done it was roughly about 5 km - half of it uphill. Dani only asked to be picked up once - I told her she had to walk or ride in the buggy cause mommy wasn't going to carry her! She chose to walk.

Both of the kids have been yapping like crazy. Zach is saying things like please and thank-you, mommy, daddy, mama, papa, woof, and bzzzzzz. Dani doesn't stop talking. Last night I think she went to bed pretty hungry. We had beef stroganoff stew for supper and her response to it was:
her "mommy i don wan it"
me "well this is supper"
her "i don wan it"
me "well what would you like than?" (ya right, like I'm going to start catering!)
her "uuuummmm (finger on chin) i have a chocat!!"
me "ya right, you can eat your supper in front of you"
her "i done"
me "well you can sit there and wait until everybody is done"
her "mommy i stuck"
me "i know you are, your seatbelt is on, and for good reason"

and there she sat waiting for us to finish - not without protest I might add.

If i've been out and I come home Dani's new thing is to come from around a corner and yell SURPRISE!!! Well it actually sounds like APRIZE!!!! But you get the jist! It's so cute when she says to me "hi mommy, I missed you" Zach follows his sister and is trying harder and harder to copy her every move. Its pretty entertaining. Anyway I am off to the sack - we are going to Watson Lake tomorrow - I have a show to do at two.


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