I had a pampered chef party on Friday night and it was FANTASTIC!!! We had about 15 or so people come plus a couple others that ordered stuff over the phone. There are so many things that I wanted but we had a limit! I haven't written very much these last couple of weeks cause there hasn't been too much to write about. I entered the fall fair here in town and the Sprucebog Christmas fair in Whitehorse so I have been very busy getting my things all put together and made to look pretty. I am making layered soups, chili's, cookies, brownies, muffins and quick breads in a jar. My friend Jan helped me come up with the name "The Gourmet Jar". I hope these suckers sell! If not at least Chris and I will be eating very well for the next year! At the party the other night Zach was checking out the crates full of things that the lady brought with her, he was so excited he pulled himself right up to a standing position! He still hasn't figured out how to crawl on his hands and knees but he sure gets around very quickly on his belly! We had the most incredible northern lights show here the other night. It was so spectacular that the lights made it as bright as day out in our backyard. There were tons of greens and some pinks and purples - it was worth the hour in the freezing cold! I think that is the best part of living in the north.
I love this picture of Zach!
It doesn't matter what is in there cooking - if the light is on Dani is over at the oven saying "MMMMMMMM"